I along with other retiree groups leadership participated in a conference call with AT&T regarding a new health care plan offering in addition to current offerings through AON for those who are not grandfathered and are on Medicare for 2021.
Retirees who fall into this grouping will begin to see materials relative to the plan on or about Sept 1 st. With follow up materials throughout September and October. Webinars will be conducted regarding the new plan offering, as well as many Q & A 's sent to you for your research.
This new offering will provide national provider access and drug coverage and it is anticipated that it will cost retirees far less than what you are currently paying . The plan will have $ 000 co pays for primary care and $30 for specialists. The plan is a custom AT&T design and will be managed by UHC.
Drug costs will have 5 tiers based on the drug.
If you and or your dependents choose this plan you will not have a reimbursement account funding going forward. Please be sure to read all your materials carefully.
Open enrollment will begin 10/15/2020 and end 12/7/2020 .
I will follow up next week with Grandfathered info...